r M m R FATEs: With 3rd Cohort Eques – 2 shown
The recommended level of this FATE; you will receive less rewards if you are below this level, and you must sync to this level plus 5 if your level higher than that
Type Area Location Coordinates Duration Monsters
The item awarded in addition to the usual experience, gil, and seals; this is usually rewarded with a gold reward only if the FATE is a success
The recommended level of this FATE; you will receive less rewards if you are below this level, and you must sync to this level plus 5 if your level higher than that
Type Area Location Coordinates Duration Monsters
The item awarded in addition to the usual experience, gil, and seals; this is usually rewarded with a gold reward only if the FATE is a success
42 Notorious Monster East Shroud Larkscall (X:29 Y:21) 15m Proto Armor (Lv. 42), 3rd Cohort Laquearius (Lv. 42), Imperial Engineer (Lv. 42), 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus (Lv. 42), 3rd Cohort Eques (Lv. 42)
49 Notorious Monster Northern Thanalan Raubahn's Push (X:18 Y:14) 15m Vanguard Prototype (Lv. 49), 3rd Cohort Eques (Lv. 49)