r M m R Recipes: To Create Highland Flour – 1 shown
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
×2 Culinarian 52 Highland Wheats Fire Shards - 251 40 5,172 - - -
r M m R Recipes: Requiring Highland Flour – 8 shown
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
×1 Culinarian 60 ★ Honeydew Almonds, Highland Flour, Fermented Butter, Birch Syrup, Duskborne Aethersand Fire Clusters, Water Cluster Master 1,116 70 8,377 - 620 -
×1 Culinarian 60 ★ Snurbleberries, 4 Highland Flours, 2 Sweet Creams, 2 Okeanis Eggs, 2 Birch Syrups, 4 Beeswax Candles Fire Clusters, Water Cluster Master 2,008 70 4188 - 620 -
×1 Culinarian 52 Highland Flours, 2 Old World Figs, 2 Sour Creams, 2 Rolanberries, 2 Blood Currants Fire Crystals, 3 Water Crystals Housing 905 80 2586 - - -
×1 Culinarian 54 Dhalmel Meats, 2 Cyclops Onions, Ramhorn Zucchini, Highland Flour, Popoto, Sour Cream Fire Crystals, 3 Water Crystals - 641 80 6,042 - - -
×1 Culinarian 54 Dark Chestnuts, Maple Sugar, Sweet Cream, 2 Highland Flours Fire Crystals, 3 Water Crystals - 641 80 6,042 - - -
×1 Culinarian 55 Sesame Seeds, 3 Highland Flours, Yak Milk Fire Crystals, 4 Water Crystals - 697 70 6,301 - - -
×1 Culinarian 60 Okeanis Tails, Highland Flour, Olive Oil, Dalamud Popoto, Abalathian Rock Salt Fire Crystals, 5 Water Crystals - 956 70 7,851 - - -
×1 Culinarian 56 Highland Flours, Dravanian Spring Water, Abalathian Rock Salt Fire Shards - 376 35 6,561 - - -
r M m R Recipes: Using this as a Subcomponent – 2 shown
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
Master recipes cannot be used until you earn a specific master book key item; special recipes are found outside the primary recipe list and are always shown regardless of your level; beast tribe recipes are used only in beast tribe quests
The number of items created by successful completion of this recipe; this column links to the item being created
Class Level
The materials required to create this recipe, not including crystals or shards
The crystals or shards required to create this recipe
The amount of progress needed to complete this recipe successfully
The starting durability for this recipe; most crafting actions consume 10 durability
The maximum quality of this recipe; recipes start at 0 quality, and the chance to obtain a high-quality result increases with quality; at the maximum quality value, a high-quality result is guaranteed; using high-quality materials increases the starting quality proportionally to the number used, to a maximum of half the maximum quality; numbers in gray italics indicate that the recipe has no high-quality version
The required Craftsmanship score necessary to attempt this recipe
The required Control score necessary to attempt this recipe
×1 Culinarian 56 Vermicellis, 2 Tomato Sauces, 2 Finger Sandwiches, 2 Orange Juices Fire Crystals, 4 Water Crystals Housing 1,353 70 3280 - - -
×1 Culinarian 59 Cockatrice Thighs, Kaiser Roll, Cream Cheese Fire Crystals, 5 Water Crystals - 919 70 7,339 - - -