r M m R Fishing Log: With Fullmoon Sardine – 6 shown
Fishing holes can only be fished if you have the appropriate Gulleye trait for the fishing hole's level
Point Name
The level of this fishing point, which has no apparent mechanical effect but offers a rough guide to the most common level range of fish found here
The required Fisher level you must have obtained to have all of the necessary traits to fish at this point; this may be higher than the point's actual level
Rq. Lv.
A list of the fish that can be found at this fishing point, in the order they appear in the fishing log; the indicated levels can help you choose bait to catch a given type of fish; high-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; large fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; giant fish can only be caught by mooching a large fish
The (X, Y) location of the center of the fishing point; fishing points vary widely in overall size
Fishing holes can only be fished if you have the appropriate Gulleye trait for the fishing hole's level
Point Name
The level of this fishing point, which has no apparent mechanical effect but offers a rough guide to the most common level range of fish found here
The required Fisher level you must have obtained to have all of the necessary traits to fish at this point; this may be higher than the point's actual level
Rq. Lv.
A list of the fish that can be found at this fishing point, in the order they appear in the fishing log; the indicated levels can help you choose bait to catch a given type of fish; high-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; large fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; giant fish can only be caught by mooching a large fish
The (X, Y) location of the center of the fishing point; fishing points vary widely in overall size
25 - Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3), Coral Butterfly (Lv. 9), Blue Octopus (Lv. 21), Blue Coral (Lv. 25), Sea Bo (Lv. 26), Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Silver Shark (Lv. 41), The Greatest Bream in the World (Lv. 50 ★★★), Gigant Clam (Lv. 50 ★★★) (X:32 Y:34)
30 - Angelfish (Lv. 19), Blowfish (Lv. 22), Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27), Indigo Herring (Lv. 31), Ash Tuna (Lv. 32), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Lavender Remora (Lv. 36), Silver Shark (Lv. 41), Little Thalaos (Lv. 50 ★), Shark Tuna (Lv. 50 ★★★) (X:34 Y:29)
30 - Harbor Herring (Lv. 7), Blue Octopus (Lv. 21), Blowfish (Lv. 22), Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27), Indigo Herring (Lv. 31), Ash Tuna (Lv. 32), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Nautilus (Lv. 45), Twitchbeard (Lv. 50 ★★★) (X:11 Y:10)
40 - Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3), Ocean Cloud (Lv. 6), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Lavender Remora (Lv. 36), Red Coral (Lv. 40), Silver Shark (Lv. 41), Wahoo (Lv. 43), Pike Eel (Lv. 46), Sunfish (Lv. 50), Helmsman's Hand (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Leather Map (X:14 Y:29)
45 - Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35), Red Coral (Lv. 40), Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44), Nautilus (Lv. 45), Sea Devil (Lv. 49), The Captain's Chalice (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Goatskin Map (X:17 Y:15)
50 50 Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Red Coral (Lv. 40), Blacklip Oyster (Lv. 44), Nautilus (Lv. 45), Mummer Wrasse (Lv. 47), Plaice (Lv. 48), Sea Devil (Lv. 49), Coelacanth (Lv. 50 ★), Coelacanthus (Lv. 50 ★★★), Endoceras (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Toadskin Map (X:12 Y:36)
r M m R Fish Guide: Caught by Mooching Fullmoon Sardine – 9 shown
High-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; mooch-caught fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; double mooch-caught fish and triple mooch-caught fish can only be caught with multiple consecutive mooches
The links in this column correspond to the items being gathered, rather than the gathering log entry
Level Type
Bait that can be used to catch this fish
Usable Bait
The weather conditions during which this fish can be caught; some fish require a combination of two consecutive weather types; if no weather conditions are listed, the fish can be caught regardless of weather
The times at which this fish can be caught; if no times are listed, the fish can be caught at any time; the countdown timer shows in green for currently available fish, and blue for fish which will be available within the next 5 minutes
You must catch this many fish before you can catch the fish that they prey on
Prime Locations
High-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; mooch-caught fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; double mooch-caught fish and triple mooch-caught fish can only be caught with multiple consecutive mooches
The links in this column correspond to the items being gathered, rather than the gathering log entry
Level Type
Bait that can be used to catch this fish
Usable Bait
The weather conditions during which this fish can be caught; some fish require a combination of two consecutive weather types; if no weather conditions are listed, the fish can be caught regardless of weather
The times at which this fish can be caught; if no times are listed, the fish can be caught at any time; the countdown timer shows in green for currently available fish, and blue for fish which will be available within the next 5 minutes
You must catch this many fish before you can catch the fish that they prey on
Prime Locations
124 Item 45 Coastlines Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) - 6:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. - Western La Noscea
166 Item 50 ★ Coastlines Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) - 6:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m. - Western La Noscea
270 Item 50 ★★★ Coastlines Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) - 11:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. - Western La Noscea
277 Item 50 ★★★ Coastlines Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) Fog, Overcast, Wind 10:00 p.m.–3:00 a.m. - Western La Noscea
45 Item 21 Deep Sea Merlthor Goby (Mooch), Ocean Cloud (Mooch), Harbor Herring (Mooch), Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) - - - Lower La Noscea
111 Item 41 Deep Sea Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch), Merlthor Goby (Mooch), Wahoo (Mooch) - - - Middle La Noscea
237 Item 50 ★★★ Deep Sea Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) Clear, Fair 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. - Eastern La Noscea
239 Item 50 ★★★ Deep Sea Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) Clear, Fair 4:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m. - Mist
278 Item 50 ★★★ Deep Sea Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) Clear/Fair → Fog/Gales/Overcast/Wind 8:00 p.m.–5:00 a.m. - Western La Noscea
r M m R Areas: In Fullmoon Sardine Log – 1 shown
Dungeons and battlefields are instanced areas with special entrance requirements
The range of monster levels that appear in this area
Lv. Range
The aetherytes found in this area
The areas that are connected to this area
Dungeons and battlefields are instanced areas with special entrance requirements
The range of monster levels that appear in this area
Lv. Range
The aetherytes found in this area
The areas that are connected to this area
27–50 La Noscea Wineport, Costa del Sol Brayflox's Longstop, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, Lower La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, Upper La Noscea
r M m R Arms & Tools: Used to Catch Fullmoon Sardine – 1 shown
Name Dmg.
The DPS of auto attacks made with this weapon (calculated as auto attack damage divided by delay)
Aetherial arms have extra, randomly chosen bonuses in addition to those listed here
The item level of this arm or tool, which indicates its relative power
Level Class Dmg. Type Type
The number of materia slots this arm or tool has
The class required to repair this arm or tool; this is typically the same class as the one that can craft or attach materia to this arm or tool
Aetherial arms can be worth more than the listed amount, depending on the bonuses they have
Name Dmg.
The DPS of auto attacks made with this weapon (calculated as auto attack damage divided by delay)
Aetherial arms have extra, randomly chosen bonuses in addition to those listed here
The item level of this arm or tool, which indicates its relative power
Level Class Dmg. Type Type
The number of materia slots this arm or tool has
The class required to repair this arm or tool; this is typically the same class as the one that can craft or attach materia to this arm or tool
Aetherial arms can be worth more than the listed amount, depending on the bonuses they have
- - - 30 30 FSH - Tackle - 7 gil 1 gil