South Bloodshore |
25 |
- |
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3), Coral Butterfly (Lv. 9), Blue Octopus (Lv. 21), Blue Coral (Lv. 25), Sea Bo (Lv. 26), Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Silver Shark (Lv. 41), The Greatest Bream in the World (Lv. 50 ★★★), Gigant Clam (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:32 Y:34) |
Costa del Sol |
30 |
- |
Angelfish (Lv. 19), Blowfish (Lv. 22), Bianaq Bream (Lv. 27), Indigo Herring (Lv. 31), Ash Tuna (Lv. 32), Fullmoon Sardine (Lv. 34), Lavender Remora (Lv. 36), Silver Shark (Lv. 41), Little Thalaos (Lv. 50 ★), Shark Tuna (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:34 Y:29) |
North Bloodshore |
35 |
- |
Harbor Herring (Lv. 7), Ogre Barracuda (Lv. 25), Black Sole (Lv. 28), Sea Pickle (Lv. 30), Ash Tuna (Lv. 32), Whitelip Oyster (Lv. 35), Balloonfish (Lv. 37), Red Coral (Lv. 40), Mazlaya Marlin (Lv. 50), Bombardfish (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:32 Y:25) |
Rhotano Sea (Forecastle) |
50 |
- |
Finger Shrimp (Lv. 4), Harbor Herring (Lv. 7), Blowfish (Lv. 22), Balloonfish (Lv. 37), Ash Tuna (Lv. 32), Red Coral (Lv. 40), Ogre Barracuda (Lv. 25), Mazlaya Marlin (Lv. 50), Gigant Octopus (Lv. 50 ★★), The Old Man in the Sea (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:39 Y:24) |
Rhotano Sea (Sterncastle) |
50 |
50 |
Merlthor Goby (Lv. 3), Blowfish (Lv. 22), Leafy Seadragon (Lv. 33), Rock Lobster (Lv. 50), Wahoo (Lv. 43), Little Thalaos (Lv. 50 ★), Shall Shell (Lv. 50 ★), Megalodon (Lv. 50 ★★), Giant Squid (Lv. 50 ★), Nepto Dragon (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:38 Y:24) |
Hidden Falls |
35 |
35 |
Crimson Crayfish (Lv. 8), Dark Sleeper (Lv. 18), Mitten Crab (Lv. 34), Spotted Puffer (Lv. 38), Discus (Lv. 40), Kobold Puffer (Lv. 45), The Salter (Lv. 50 ★★★) |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:30 Y:23) |
East Agelyss River |
40 |
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Copperfish (Lv. 20), Lamprey (Lv. 29), Monke Onke (Lv. 33), Mitten Crab (Lv. 34), Discus (Lv. 40), Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42), Archerfish (Lv. 45), Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46), The Drowned Sniper (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Leather Map |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:20 Y:25) |
Raincatcher Gully |
40 |
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Copperfish (Lv. 20), Lamprey (Lv. 29), Mitten Crab (Lv. 34), Giant Bass (Lv. 37), Discus (Lv. 40), Loyal Pleco (Lv. 42), Thunderbolt Sculpin (Lv. 42), Archerfish (Lv. 45), Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46), The Terpsichorean (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Leather Map |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:20 Y:30) |
The Juggernaut |
40 |
- |
Copperfish (Lv. 20), Mudcrab (Lv. 21), Lamprey (Lv. 29), Grip Killifish (Lv. 32), Silverfish (Lv. 36), Sludgeskipper (Lv. 44), Vampire Lampern (Lv. 50), The Terpsichorean (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Leather Map |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:16 Y:31) |
Red Mantis Falls |
45 |
50 |
Mitten Crab (Lv. 34), Silverfish (Lv. 36), Clown Loach (Lv. 36), Discus (Lv. 40), Knifefish (Lv. 43), Agelyss Carp (Lv. 46), Goldfish (Lv. 50), Jungle Catfish (Lv. 50 ★), Imperial Goldfish (Lv. 50 ★★★), Timeworn Goatskin Map |
Eastern La Noscea |
(X:15 Y:27) |