r M m R Fish Guide: Found in Lower La Noscea – 26 shown
High-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; mooch-caught fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; double mooch-caught fish and triple mooch-caught fish can only be caught with multiple consecutive mooches
The links in this column correspond to the items being gathered, rather than the gathering log entry
Level Type
Bait that can be used to catch this fish
Usable Bait
The weather conditions during which this fish can be caught; some fish require a combination of two consecutive weather types; if no weather conditions are listed, the fish can be caught regardless of weather
The times at which this fish can be caught; if no times are listed, the fish can be caught at any time; the countdown timer shows in green for currently available fish, and blue for fish which will be available within the next 5 minutes
You must catch this many fish before you can catch the fish that they prey on
Prime Locations
High-quality moochable fish can be Mooched in certain fishing points; mooch-caught fish can only be caught by mooching a fish; double mooch-caught fish and triple mooch-caught fish can only be caught with multiple consecutive mooches
The links in this column correspond to the items being gathered, rather than the gathering log entry
Level Type
Bait that can be used to catch this fish
Usable Bait
The weather conditions during which this fish can be caught; some fish require a combination of two consecutive weather types; if no weather conditions are listed, the fish can be caught regardless of weather
The times at which this fish can be caught; if no times are listed, the fish can be caught at any time; the countdown timer shows in green for currently available fish, and blue for fish which will be available within the next 5 minutes
You must catch this many fish before you can catch the fish that they prey on
Prime Locations
14 Item 7 Coastlines Pill Bug - - - Lower La Noscea
18 Item 8 Coastlines Pill Bug - - - Lower La Noscea
22 Item 10 Coastlines Goby Ball - - - Lower La Noscea
25 Item 31 Lakes Chocobo Fly - - - Lower La Noscea
26 Item 12 Coastlines Goby Ball - - - Lower La Noscea
30 Item 15 Coastlines Goby Ball - - - Lower La Noscea
32 Item 16 Coastlines Rat Tail - - - Lower La Noscea
35 Item 17 Coastlines Rat Tail - - - Lower La Noscea
43 Item 20 Coastlines Rat Tail - - - Lower La Noscea
45 Item 21 Deep Sea Merlthor Goby (Mooch), Ocean Cloud (Mooch), Harbor Herring (Mooch), Fullmoon Sardine (Mooch) - - - Lower La Noscea
67 Item 28 Coastlines Shrimp Cage Feeder - - - Lower La Noscea
74 Item 31 Lakes Syrphid Basket - - - Lower La Noscea
78 Item 32 Lakes Chocobo Fly - - - Lower La Noscea
81 Item 33 Coastlines Spoon Worm Rain, Showers - - Lower La Noscea
156 Item 50 ★ Coastlines Northern Krill - - - Lower La Noscea
159 Item 50 ★ Deep Sea Yumizuno - 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. - Lower La Noscea
185 Item 50 Coastlines Northern Krill - - - Lower La Noscea
189 Item 50 ★★ Coastlines Goby Ball - - - Lower La Noscea
190 Item 50 ★★ Rivers Moth Pupa - - - Lower La Noscea
199 Item 50 ★★ Deep Sea Yumizuno - - - Lower La Noscea
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